Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments Way of Pain and Pain
Common causes of low back pain - Ankylosing spondylitis. - Sciatica nerve pain. - Intercostal nerve pain. - Kidney disease. - Degenerative lumbar spine. - Lumbar spinal disc herniation. - Osteoporosis. - Lumbar spinal stenosis. Recognizing the symptoms of low back pain like? Usually pain in the lower back. Then it spreads down the legs. The pain will be worse with actions of bending, leaning, carrying heavy objects, ... sometimes sneezing with cramping pain. - The feeling of back stiffness and numbness is very difficult in movement, it takes time to rest to work. - With dull pain all day, having to try to massage in the morning, then low back pain has become chronic. An effective way to treat low back pain without medication - The clinic's lower back pain therapy treatment with the latest methods and research, in which Chiropractic manipulation is the most effective method. We have a successful rate of long-term healing of low back pain, even when surgery and other treatment...